Pet Tarantula

Short-term care is relatively simple in the case of tarantulas. Give it to them once or twice a week depending on the level of appetite of your fish. Maintain high humidity in the cage and take out the food, and the crickets when the tarantula sheds since the crickets can also kill the tarantula when it is shedding.  Having petty spiders as pets is possible, which makes having those big spiders as pets interesting. These characteristics provide interesting behavior, occupy a small amount of space, and do not need any care. However, if one wants to have a pet that one can handle then tarantulas may not be right since they do have venomous bites. 

Dr. Keller points to the Chilean rose tarantula and the Mexican red-kneed tarantula as being the most commonly sold in the pet market. These Pet tarantulas are species that are not all that difficult to care for but they do require some correct handling. Before determining to undertake a tarantula, one needs to be ready to paste for the long term. The male tarantula has a lifespan of up to 10 years, and the girl tarantula can have a lifespan of more than 30 years. Some of the primary necessities of right care of a spider include; Like a canine or a cat, large spiders require proper care and interest to be taken off.

Tarantulas are the members of Theraphosidae family and they are about one thousand species. The most well-known kind of pet is a Chilean rose, a spider from Chile that is hardly deadly to humans.

Tarantula Behavior and Temperament

Tarantulas are not aggressive spiders, for this reason, some people allow the spiders to crawl on their bodies. But they will bite if cornered and their bite is venomous. Other dangers of handling tarantulas include little barbed hairs on the abdomen of the tarantulas. When threatened, the spiders release these hairs and this can result in itching when they come into contact with the skin.  It is advisable to ensure that children and other pets do not come into contact with the tarantula to avoid complications.

Size Information

  • There are considerable pigmy to giant differences in size and some of the tarantulas are small, measuring 2 inches across while others are fairly large, 8 inches in leg span. 
  •  Tarantula’s size is typically relative to its particular species and its age as well. For instance, the Chilean rose tarantula has an average size of spread-out legs of 4 to 5 inches.


Create an environment by putting in a terrarium a policy that resembles the natural habitat of the tarantula. Make sure the enclosure is large enough to provide the spider with adequate space that it would engage in different activities. They should be given swimming pools that consist of coconut fiber or peat moss to enable them to regulate humidity and have a digging area. 

Place objects that would make the spider feel safe and be sure that no other spider can get close to it such as placing logs or artificial caves. Secure the air by maintaining proper airflow so that mold cannot penetrate and hence good air quality.

What Do Tarantulas Eat & Drink?


  Live food at the side of crickets, mealworms, or cockroaches is fed to the tarantulas.

 Let your tarantula devour a quantity of prey that is appropriate to its size to avoid being bitten.

 Adult spider feed should be given every one to two weeks for the adult tarantula and a more frequent rate for the juvenile tarantulas. 


 Add a water pan which should not be deep in the enclosure. Make sure to always wash the dish properly and always ensure the dish is well filled with clean water. These tarantulas drink from the water dish or dipping their fangs into it to lap water as do most spiders.

Common Health Problems

  • Exercise
  • Grooming
  • Upkeep Costs

Pros & Cons of Keeping a Tarantula as a Pet


In this case, the act of having a tarantula as a pet has the following advantages. They do not need much attention as compared to many other pets and thus offer a home a low-maintenance look. They are suitable for small spaces where the housing space is at a premium because of their small size. Watching them behave tends to be rather intriguing and some species, particularly the females, can live for many years. 


Thus, contact with the tarantulas is not very easy. They can either bite or discharge some tiny and irritating hairs in case they sense any danger. They are not able to survive at any humidity and temperature existing in homes and offices; they demand certain conditions, which may be difficult. Their enclosure can be expensive at the start, and they are not as attentive to their owners as other animals such as dogs or cats.

Similar Exotic Pets to the Tarantula

  •  sticks insects
  • Madagascar hissing cockroach
  • Emperor scorpion
  • Otherwise, check out other exotic animals that can be your new pet 

Purchasing or Adopting Your Tarantula

Reputable web-based shops with good reviews and detailed information about spider health and history are also useful. Prices also depend on the species of tarantula and their deficiency, so you need to make an effort to take good care of your tarantula. Contact reptile and arachnid rescue organizations for adoption. New members may be unaware of individual tarantulas that are available for adoption. As such, they should consult tarantula clubs in their areas or online forums.


To look after your puppy tarantula you want to offer it a stable spider enclosure with good enough ventilation and a substrate in which your tarantula can dig or climb. With a thermometer and a hygrometer, keep the tank at the most useful temperature and humidity stage. Small, fresh live insects should be used, and it is advised that they should not be fed in large quantities. Offer plain water in a clean small and smooth basal bowl. 

Avoid stressing the tarantula by only handling it when it is necessary and when doing so, be very gentle. Check its health and take it to a vet who knows the aspects of tarantulas if there is anything wrong. Below are some ways that will assist in maintaining the good health of your tarantula.